Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee Every Day | DietZones
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Pros And Cons Of Drinking Coffee Every Day

The stimulating property of coffee was discovered for the first time in Ethiopia. There are many interesting stories about how it was first discovered. As one of the stories goes, a goatherd named Kaldi noticed one day that his goats became lively after eating red berries from a certain tree. He decided to eat those berries and immediately felt the invigorating effect. After he spread the word, local monks began to cultivate the coffee plant in their gardens. They would dry the fruit, crush it to form a powder, and then mix it with hot water to prepare a stimulating drink. This drink, they believed, helped them to stay focused during long prayer sessions.


After the word moved east and reached the Arabian peninsula, coffee was met with open hearts, and the rest became history. Within a century, coffee was popularized in Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and Persia. By the early 15th century, Arabs had mastered the art of roasting and grinding the coffee beans with ultimate sophistication. Soon, it became a part of social life. Coffee houses, popularly known as "school of the wise," came into existence and became important centers for information exchange and leisure activities.

What Are The Benefits And Disadvantages Of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is the world's most used and popular drink, second only to water. In recent decades, more than 18,000 studies were conducted to investigate its health benefits as well as the harmful effects. While previously, these studies focused only on the harmful effects, they have started to look at the brighter side in recent times. One American Chemical Society study identified coffee as the topmost source of antioxidants in an average American's diet. A 2006 clinical review suggested that 2-4 cups of coffee a day can help prevent a range of lifestyle diseases, including type-2 diabetes.


Pros 1: Coffee is good for your brain

Coffee drinking is associated with increased focus and alertness. It enhances cognitive function and stimulates parts of the brain linked with memory and attention. It seems a no-brainer, right? But, this beverage does a lot more to your brain. Grabbing your morning cup not only improves the performance of your neurotransmitters, but it also prevents memory disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Coffee is rich in antioxidants, which can protect the brain cells from free radical damage and check the degeneration of brain cells, thus preventing neural disorders.

Cons 1: Coffee can increase stress and cause sleeplessness

Drinking too much caffeine can interfere with your sleep pattern and increase the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Restless sleep, in turn, can undo the benefits of memory and cognition, as sound sleep is necessary for healthy brain functioning. In people with anxiety disorders, it can worsen the situation.

Pros 2: Coffee protects from type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes develops when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin, which controls blood sugar or when the body becomes resistant to insulin. Research suggests that drinking moderate amounts of coffee coupled with exercise can help lower this risk.


Cons 2: Coffee can increase blood pressure

Caffeine can increase blood pressure in people with hypertension as well as in healthy adults. Moreover, regular coffee drinkers can develop a tolerance to caffeine, which means you will need more cups to feel the same effect.

Pros 3: Coffee is good for your liver

Drinking coffee every day protects the liver against many diseases and lowers the risk of cirrhosis. One study suggested that drinking two more cups lowered the risk of liver cancer by 43%. Now, that doesn't mean you go for 10 cups a day because the same study cautioned to limit the daily intake to 4-6 cups.


Cons 3: Coffee can increase cholesterol

Unfiltered coffee contains a compound cafestol, which is associated with increased levels of bad cholesterol. If you are already dealing with high cholesterol, choose filtered coffee. 

The recommended dose for daily coffee intake is usually 2-4 cups for most people. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, drink no more than a cup a day. Increasing your water intake can do away with some of the negative impacts of caffeine like dehydration and indigestion. Also, make sure not to touch it at least 6 hours before bedtime, as caffeine takes 4-6 hours to leave the system. Rest assuredcake, enjoy your coffee.

Author: Anna

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