Fast Food in Modern Life | DietZones
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Fast Food

Fast Food in Modern Life


Food has been the center of all human actions and emotions. It has played a vital role in curating the mighty empires from the Romans in the western world to the Japanese in the Far East. Every culture and tradition gives respect to the food that they eat. However, times are changing now. The modern-day society is fast-paced and also relies on consuming mostly Fast Food.

Fast Food

Fast Food is any food that takes very little time for preparation. There is a significant loss of nutritional values along with reduction in serving time. They are therefore many times referred to as ‘junk’ foods. Fast Foods have gained popularity mainly because they are inexpensive and fill your stomach quickly. They are high in salt and sugar content. Fiber, protein, and healthy fats are usually missing in them. This is the reason for increasing health issues in people who are addicted to them.

Fast Food

Is Fast Food Bad?

There is no such thing as ‘bad’ food. There are foods that pack high nutritional content and there are others that are very low on healthy nutrients. Fast Foods usually carry no meaningful nutrients. Fast Food marketing companies stuff these foods with more carbohydrates than protein to keep their prices dirt cheap. The bad cholesterol promoting saturated fats replace healthy unsaturated fats. The high salt and sugar in them is the leading cause of severe health complications. The growing prominence of carbonated drinks in the diets of millennials is also a health hazard. These drinks only add ‘empty’ calories to your stomach. They only add plain sugar and miss on other nutrients.

Fast Food

Here Is a List Of Some Of The Side Effects Of Eating Fast Food:

●     Obesity

The ideal calorie requirement per day of a male is about 3000 calories and this number hovers around 2500 calories for a female. If you take more calories than normal standards and miss on the physical activity part, it can be the first sign of obesity. Fast Foods are high on the calorie count. Regular consumption of burgers, fries, and colas can quickly add extra inches to your belly.

●     Type-2 Diabetes

The next step after getting obese and not following any workout schedule is exposing yourself to life-threatening Diabetes. Devouring junk foods can weaken your body’s immune system. It can also reduce your insulin resistance power and may trigger Type-2 Diabetes.

●     Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

The people who are inclined towards the Fast Food mania are more likely to show symptoms of IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome can be very painful. It is chronic and invisible. The treatment typically takes a few days to several weeks. People who can cut down Fast Food from their diets have higher chances of recovery from IBS.

●     Depression

The addiction to Fast Food has many hidden effects. It may lead to obesity, trigger Type-2 Diabetes, and can deteriorate your overall health. All these things can drown you into depression. The prolonged suffering from depression can make you physically and mentally very sick.

Fast Food

It is a well-established fact that excessive eating of Fast Food can be extremely unhealthy. It can deprive you of many essential nutrients that are a must for keeping sound health. If it is not possible for your taste buds to eschew the tasty burgers and colas then you may try some alternatives.

It is advisable to choose healthier versions of junk foods. You may add more proteins like chicken and eggs, healthy fats like cheeseFast Food, fibers like cucumber and tomatoes. It is also a good habit to limit the total salt and sugar intake. These changes will definitely make your food plate a little more expensive but it is all worth it.

Author: Sunita

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