All You Need To Know About Anxiety Attacks | DietZones
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All You Need To Know About Anxiety Attacks

Fear and anxiety represent natural reactions when we face scary events or things. And the purpose of a small amount of anxiety is to aid us in keeping up our safety in a potentially dangerous situation. Still, when the anxiety transforms into something overwhelming, one might experience a deep sense of panic. This is a natural response of our bodies determined by a rush of adrenaline delivered in our bloodstream. But before you label yourself as having an anxiety attack, you should know that panic attacks and anxiety attacks are not the same. 

anxiety attack

How can we describe an anxiety attack?

Anxiety can happen when a person fears that something awful is going to take place. It represents a non-medical term linked to a feeling of fear or worries about a specific problem. And during the past years, researchers identified anxiety has a direct cause of intense periods of stress. Anxiety differs from panic attacks, as it connects to a specific event or situation. On the other hand, a panic attack can occur without any trigger and has more severe symptoms.

But anxiety attacks are not well recognized amongst people, and usually, get overlooked as a period of insecurities and tiredness. So, to sum up, an anxiety attack can be described as it follows:

· It can be determined by a specific trigger, including a workout problem, a health problem, or a health exam;

· It cannot be diagnosed;

· It is not as severe as a panic attack;

· It happens gradually when a person feels anxious;

· It can lead to physical symptoms such as muscle tension, pain, a racing heart, or stomach issues.

And the main symptoms that one might experience prior to or during an anxiety attack are:

·  Emotional symptoms like worry, restlessness, fear, fear of losing control or general distress;

·  Physical symptoms like accelerated heart rate, chest pain, shortness of breath, trembling, or shaking.

And why panic attacks are different?

· These don’t come with a specific trigger;

· These are usually part of a panic disorder, which can be diagnosed by a specialist;

· It has similar symptoms to anxiety attacks but differs in intensity. Panic attacks come with sudden, severe symptoms;

· It refers to a deep sense of terror that the person affected by it is caught in the sense of detachment from the world or oneself;

· It has a prolonged effect, and it can last up to an hour, while the symptoms can continue for an entire day.

anxiety attack

Why is it important to identify anxiety?

Usually, those that never had anxiety attacks mistakenly think this is all about getting extra attention. But the truth is that even though anxiety attacks are less aggressive than panic attacks, ignoring them can lead to several psychological issues. As such, it is quite essential to understand the distress one might go through due to anxiety. And in most situations, the anxiety attack occurrence can be notably diminished with a lot of support from the loved ones. Overall, lessening stress, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and indulging in healthy socializing can make one less susceptible to sudden outbursts of anxiety. 

There are several types of anxiety documented by specialists, as revealed below:

·  Generalized anxiety refers to those people that constantly worry about everything. These people always feel like things are n the verge of getting out of control, while a lot of tension in their body leads to issues sleeping and concentrating;

·  Social anxiety is an intense form of anxiety that manifests itself during a social gathering. It is a direct result of a deep fear of judgment or embarrassment, which can make one avoid events for fear of people;

·  Separation anxiety is a deep fear of being away from someone you love, and always wondering if they are ok or not.

·  Agoraphobia became quite popular nowadays, and it can affect the day to day routine of an individual experiencing it. Many people feel an overwhelming sensation of anxiety about being in public spaces, including a large crowd. Most of those experiencing this type of anxiety isolate themselves in their own homes, as they feel the anxiety is unbearable. 

Is there a way to manage anxiety?

As mentioned above, there are a couple of steps one can take to diminish the occurrence of anxiety attacks and promote better mental health. First of all, dealing with anxiety attacks starts with focusing on self-care. This means you will have to eat well, get enough sleep, and adopt an exercise routine. Furthermore, it is best to talk about this issue with your family, friends, or even a medical practitioner. This will allow you to see better the way in which your anxiety occurs. Lastly, but not the least important, you should learn to recognize your avoidance patterns. It is the first reaction in the face of anxiety, and it is entirely reasonable to want to avoid it. But this can make your anxiety even worse in time. Thus, you can learn some ways of dealing with your anxietyanxiety attack, such as meditation or breathing strategies. This will allow you to become more confident and overcome your fears. 


Author: Anna

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